研究集会 Memory: A Dialogue between Historiography and Literature in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome


京大で行われた研究集会、Memory: A Dialogue between Historiography and Literature in Late Republican and Early Imperial Romeに参加してきました。報告者は下記の通りです。

  • 酒嶋恭平 (University of Edinburgh):The Persian Wars in the Bibliotheke: Diodorus Siculus’ Strategy of Glorifying the Greek and Sicilian Past
  • 大野普希 (京都大学):Pausanias’ View on the History of Greece: Between Decline and Continuity
  • 宮坂真依子 (東京藝術大学):The Mystery of the Absence of Antony in Augustan Poetry (tbc)
  • Anke Walter (Newcastle University):Festivals and Commemoration in Statius’ Thebaid

